Ilumnis Authentication Module

  1. What is Ilumnis Authentication Module?
  2. What platform does Ilumnis Authentication Module run on?
  3. How to use Ilumnis Authentication Module?
  4. Documentation?
  5. Info

1. What is Ilumnis Authentication Module?

Ilumnis Authentication Module is a set of .NET Assemblies used for
generic user / role / right manipulation.

It provides set of customizable classes that can be used to easily
create MSSQL database for storing user information, and to simply
manage user rights. Basic set of classes supports MS SQL data store,
but can be easily extended to support any other data store,
like MySQL, Oracle, XML files or even local file system.

In addition to this API, Ilumnis Authentication Module provides
generic user rights manager desktop application.

2. What platform does Ilumnis Authentication Module run on?

Original Ilumnis Authentication Module was developed in C#, and
can be used from any managed (.NET) code, including C#, VB.Net and

Original version supports only Microsoft SQL Server data store, but
can be customized if you need to store your user info somewhere else.

3. How to use Ilumnis Authentication Module?

Simply build module assemblies, or download them from Ilumnis
Authentication Module homepage:

    - IExSys.Authentication.dll
    - IExSys.Authentication.Storage.MsSql.dll

and reference them from your project. Then set-up your application configuration
file's (.config) appSettings section:

    <add key="MsSqlStorageConnectionString"
    value="server=MyServer; uid=user; pwd=pass; database=MyDatabase;" />

    <add key="MsSqlStorageMasterConnectionString"
    value="server=MyServer; uid=user; pwd=pass; database=master;" />

    <add key="DatabaseTablePrefix" value="ix" />
    <add key="StoredProcedurePrefix" value="pr_ix" />
    <add key="MultiDomainUsers" value="false" />

MsSqlStorageMasterConnectionString is only required if you want
to allow automatic database (tables) creation. You may also create database
structure yourself and let Ilumnis Authentication Module use it.

4. Documentation?

Complete API documentation is available in CHM and online versions on Ilumnis
Authentication Module homepage.

5.  Info

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